How much is UK postage & packaging?

We are pleased to offer FREE postage and packaging to all UK customers.

How will my order be sent?

We send all standard orders using Royal Mail First Class service, to ensure your plants spend as little time in the postage system as possible.

What packaging is used for my order?

We send standard orders in recycled/recyclable packaging that will fit through your letterbox. Large orders may be sent in packaging that will be too big to be posted through your door.

How long will my order take?

Purchases are dealt with in the order that they are received, we also have specific days for posting so that we can avoid plants getting stuck in the postal system.  Generally you will receive your order within 1-4 days. If you would like us to hold your order back, i.e if you will be away, then simply let us know and we will send your order at a date that suits you.

What happens when I order a 'Pre-Order'

During the growing season, we will sometimes release popular items on pre-order, this will usually happen when the weather has slowed down germination or growing and therefore our stock has been reduced. We know our customers will want to receive their plants as soon as they become available so we offer a pre-order service, allowing those that have pre ordered to receive their orders first and as soon as the plants become available.